Brisco News

Webinar today @ 11:00 PM ET; Exploring the role of Artificial Intelligence in shaping the future of various industries

By July 13, 2023No Comments

VERSES Technologies Announces Name Change to VERSES AI

AI & The Future (a FREE webinar).  You may want to join this informative webinar discussing the roles of AI in shaping the future.

TIME: Thursday, July 13th | 11:00 am EST

Exploring the role of Artificial Intelligence in shaping the future of various industries.

“AI and the Future” is a forward-looking Benzinga virtual event that will delve into the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence across diverse industries. Panel discussions will cover topics such as AI in business transformation, ethical AI, AI and data privacy, and the future of work with AI. The forum aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the opportunities, challenges, and societal implications that AI brings.

Here is the StreamYard link:

 VERSES AI Inc. (CBOE:VERS)(OTCQX:VRSSF) segment begins at 12:10 p.m. ET. You can join at 12:00 p.m. ET on Thursday. 10 minutes before the interview. 

Below is the registration page and a promotional copy you can share.

Registration page:

Thank you so much!


Scott Koyich,

President & CEO

400, 505 8th Avenue S.W. |Calgary, AB. T2P1G2

O: +1 (403)262.9888 |C: +1 (403)619.2200 | F: +1 (403)263.1339


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